The Dancing

Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Friday, June 19, 2015, 19:00 and Tuesday, June 23, 2015, 21:00 (UMAMI)


Country of Origin: Belgium
Year of Completion / First Public Screening: 2014
Running Time: 16’00“
Category: Fiction

Director: Edith Depaule
Screenplay: Edith Depaule
Cinematographer: Vincent Van Gelder
Editor: Damien Keyeux
Producer: François-Xavier Willems

Synopsis: Twelve beautiful women turn up to a dance. When the men fail to arrive, the women must make their own entertainment…

Festivals & Awards:
Festival ‘Le court en dit long’, Paris
Brussels Film Festival: Special Mention
Festival CourtsCourts, France: Jury Award
Festival Internacional de Cine de Pasto, Colombia: Best International Short Film
Shortini International Short Film Festival, Italy
International Kansk Video Festival, Russia
Jumping Frames International Dance Video Festival, China
international dancefilmfestival brussels „l’art difficile de filmer la danse“ Bruxelles
Shnit International Short Film Festival, Switzerland
16:th Norrköping Film Festival Flimmer, Sweden
Festival BRNO16, Czech Republic: Special Mention for Performance
Festival du film francophone de Namur, Belgium
Thessaloniki International Short Film Festival, Greece
Riga International Film festival 2ANNAS
IndieCork Film Festival, Ireland
Festival International du Film Francophone de Tübingen-Stuttgart, Germany
Magma International Short Film Festival Acireale, Italy
Festival Courts Devant Paris, France
SCENECS International Debut Film Festival Amersfoort, Netherlands
Linea d’Ombra Festival Salerno, Italy
Parentesi Cinema Bergamo, Italy
Amarcort Film Festival 7th Edition, Italy
L’ombre d’un court“ de Jouy-en-Josas
International Shortfilm Festival “Piélagos en Corto”, Spain
REGARD sur le court métrage
Skepto International Film Festival
Short Short Film Festival & Asia, Japan


Millionaires (Millionnaires)

Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Sunday, June 21, 2015, 19:00 and Tuesday, June 23, 2015, 19:00 (SALTY)


Countries of Origin: Belgium
Year of Completion / First Public Screening: 2013
Running Time: 15’00“
Category: Fiction

Director: Stéphane Bergmans
Producer: Isabelle Truc

Synopsis: Keeping up their mother’s tradition of choosing the same numbers each week, Christian and Ludo play the lottery. One day their mother’s numbers are announced…



Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Sunday, June 22, 19:00 and Tuesday, June 24, 19:00 (Monopol-Kino)


Country of Origin: Belgium
Year of Production: 2013
Duration: 10′
Category: Fiction
Language: French with English subtitles

Director: Clément Abbey, Arthur Lecouturier
Screenplay: Clément Abbey, Arthur Lecouturier
Cinematographer: Clémence Warnier
Editor: Cyril Delannoy
Music: Adrien Navez
Producer: Véronique Duys
Cast: Cédric Eeckhout, Vincent Grass

Synopsis: Pierrick and his father, farmers, come to collect the plow that a few days ago accidentally killed their brother and son.
Inhalt: Pierrick und sein Vater, Bauern, holen den Pflug, der einige Tage zuvor versehentlich ihren Bruder und Sohn umgebracht hat.

Festivals: Zinebi International Festival of Documentary and Short Film of Bilbao (Spain, 2013), Cork Film Festival (Ireland, 2013), kurzundschön (Germany, 2013), Le court en dit long (France, 2013)
Awards: Best Short Film at kurzundschön

Wolf’s Milk

German Premiere

Screenings: Saturday, June 21, 19:00 and Tuesday, June 24, 21:00 (Monopol-Kino)


Country of Origin: Belgium
Year of Production: 2013
Duration: 15′
Category: Fiction
Language: Dutch with English subtitles

Director: Hans Vercauter
Screenplay: Hans Vercauter
Cinematographer: Brecht Goyvaerts
Editor: Koen Timmerman
Music: Raf Keunen
Producer: Eva Van Riet
Cast: Wouter Hendrickx, Ben Segers, Marijke Pinoy, Wine Dierickx, Oliver Pintens, Johan van Assche

Synopsis: After being imprisoned for several years, Marcus is determined to settle a score with his brother Simon. „Wolf’s Milk“ is a story about brotherly love, a family’s struggling decomposition, and a white lie with dire consequences.
Nachdem er einige Jahr im Gefängnis saß, ist Marcus fest entschlossen, mit seinem Bruder Simon ein Hühnchen zu rupfen. „Wolf’s Milk“ ist eine Geschichte über Bruderliebe, den quälenden Verfall einer Familie und eine Notlüge mit fatalen Folgen.

Festivals: The Montreal World Film Festival (Canada, 2013), Quebec City Film Festival (Canada, 2013), Raindance Film Festival (United Kingdom, 2013), shnit international shortfilmfestival (Switzerland, 2013), Leeds International Film Festival (United Kingdom, 2013), Leuven International Film Festival (Belgium, 2013), Miami Short Film Festival (USA, 2013), ÉCU – The European Independent Film Festival (France, 2014), Vlaamse Film Festival (Netherlands, 2014), Shanghai International Film Festival (China, 2014)
Awards: Jury Award at the Montreal World Film Festival


Heir to the Evangelical Revival

Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Friday, June 20, 21:00 and Monday, June 23, 19:00 (Monopol-Kino)


Country of Origin: Belgium, South Africa
Year of Production: 2013
Duration: 7′
Category: Animation
Language: English without subtitles

Director: Wendy Morris
Screenplay: Wendy Morris
Cinematographer: Jean Delbeke
Editor: Effi Weiss
Music: Yannick Franck
Producer: Jean Delbeke

Synopsis: The film is about religious-historical baggage. The director, a descendant of French Huguenots and English Protestant missionaries who emigrated to South Africa, is atheist-apostate-agnostic. In the film she confronts her contradictory reactions to this inherited evangelical background.
Inhalt: In dem Film geht es um religiös-historisches Erbe. Die Regisseurin ist eine Nachfahrin der französischen Hugenotten und eine englische Protestantin, die nach Südafrika ausgewandert ist und eine atheistische, abtrünnige Agnostikerin geworden ist. Im Film konfrontiert sie ihre gegensätzlichen Reaktionen vor diesen geerbten evangelischen Hintergrund.

Festivals: Annecy International Animation Festival (France), Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival (France), Vienna International Shorts (Austria), Holland Animation Film Festival (The Netherlands), DOK Leipzig (Germany), Tricky Women Animation Festival (Austria)


This Is Ronald (Dit Is Ronald)

German Premiere

Screenings: Sunday, June 23, 19:00 (Filmtheater Sendlinger Tor) and Tuesday, June 25, 19:00 (Monopol-Kino)


Country of Origin / Land: Belgium
Year of Production / Jahr: 2012
Duration / Länge: 19′
Category / Kategorie: Fiction
Language / Sprache: Flemish and French with English subtitles

Director / Regie: Jules Comes
Screenplay / Drehbuch: Jules Comes
Cinematographer / Kamera: Grimm Vanderkerckhove
Editor / Schnitt: Thijs Van Nuffel
Producer / Produktion: Jules Comes, Bregt-Jan Segers, Anouk Peters
Main Cast / Darsteller: Yves Degryse, Sofie Sente, Olivier Bonjour, Tom Audenaert, Jurgen Delnaet, Pascal Maetens, Frederik Lebeer

Synopsis: Ronald’s neighbors accuse him of strange practices. Although he didn’t do anything wrong, he becomes isolated from the people in his neighborhood. Ronald is struggling with psychological problems but is not making any progress. As a last resort he seeks help in a secret group of people with similar problems. Ronald tries to fit in but again he might up end up alone…
Inhalt: Ronalds Nachbarn beschuldigen ihn, und obwohl er nichts getan hat, wird er gemieden und ausgeschlossen. Er ringt mit psychischen Problemen, ohne jedoch irgendwelche Fortschritte zu machen. Einen letzten Ausweg sieht er in der geheimen Gruppe von Menschen mit ähnlichen Schwierigkeiten. Er versucht, sich dort einzupassen, aber letztlich würde er doch wieder allein enden…

Festivals: International Film Festival Gent, 2012, International Shortfilmfestival Leuven, 2012, Vlaams en Friesch Filmfestival, 2013, International Shortfilmfestival Brussels 2013


Chicken Chasseur (Duo de volailles, Sauce chasseur)

Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Thursday, June 21, ( 19:00 and Saturday, June 23, 21:00 (City Kinos)

Country of Origin: Belgium
Year of Production: 2011
Duration: 6′
Category: Animation

Director: Pascale Hecquet
Screenplay: Pascale Hecquet
Cinematographer: Pascale Hecquet
Music: Pierre Gillet
Producer: Thierry Zamparutti
Cast: Jean-Gobert de Coster
Mix: Nils Fauth

Synopsis: Life hangs by a thread. Sometimes, it is none other than an old floor lamp switch. The question (of life or death) should be: Must the light stay on or off? This exploration between hunter and prey, will be revealed with music.
Inhalt: Das Leben hängt am seidenen Faden, manchmal kann es jedoch auch der Schalter einer alten Stehlampe sein. Die Frage (nach Leben oder Tod) lautet: Licht an oder aus?. Eine musikalische Erforschung der Beziehung zwischen Jäger und Gejagten.

Festivals: Anima Brussels 2012, Belgium; BeFilms Festival Brussels 2011, Belgium, International Short Film Festival Clermont-Ferrand 2012, France; 24th Festival of Belgian Cinema Moustier 2012, Belgium; Charleroi 2012, Belgium; Indielisboa 2012, Portugal; 21st Festival Côté court en Seine-Saint-Denis / Pantin 2012, France; Détours en Ciné-Court, séance Bout’choux, Saint-Genies Bellevue 2012, France; Seoul Internatinal Youth Film Festival 2012, South Korea; Festival Séquence court-métrage de Toulouse 2012, France
Awards: Best Animation Award at Anima Brussels 2012, Belgium


Oh Willy…

Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Friday, June 22, 21:00 (City Kinos) and Monday, June 25, 19:00 (

Country of Origin: Belgium, France, Netherlands
Year of Production: 2011
Duration: 17′
Category: Animation

Director: Emma De Swaef, Marc James Roels
Cinematographer: Marc James Roels
Screenplay: Emma De Swaef, Marc James Roels
Music: Bram Meindersma
Editor: Dieter Diependaele
Producer: Ben Tesseur

Synopsis: Forced to return to his naturist roots, Willy bungles his way into noble savagery, where he finds the protection of a hairy beast.
Inhalt: Gezwungen, in das Naturisten-Camp, in dem er aufwuchs, zurückzukehren, verwildert Willy zunehmends und findet den Schutz eines haarigen Monsters.

Festivals: Indielisboa, Portugal; Brussels Film Festival, Belgium; International Short Film Festival Clermont-Ferrand 2012, France, Holland Animation Film Festival 2012, Netherlands, Anifilm Trebon, Czech Republic
Awards: Award for Best Short at Anifilm Trebon, Czech Republic; Jury Prize at Brussels Film Festival, Belgium; Grand Prix at Holland Animation Film Festival 2012, Netherlands


Mouse for sale

German Premiere

Screenings: Thursday, June 16, 19:00 and Saturday, June 18, 21:00 (SWEET)


Country of Origin: Belgium
Year of Production: 2010
Duration: 4′
Category: Animation

Director: Wouter Bongaerts
Screenplay: Wouter Bongaerts
Cinematographer: Wouter Bongaerts
Editor: Wouter Bongaerts
Music: Olivier Wery
Producer: Wouter Bongaerts

Synopsis: Snickers is a lonely mouse in a petshop, craving to be bought by someone. But he’s got one big problem: his huge ears. The kids entering the store keep laughing at him. Will Snickers find the buddy he so desires, someone who will take him for who he is?
Inhalt: Snickers ist ein einsames Mäuschen in einer Tierhandlung. Er hat ein Riesenproblem: seine großen Ohren. Die Kinder, die in die Tierhandlung kommen, lachen ihn alle aus. Wird Snickers den Freund finden, nach dem er sich so sehr sehnt? Jemanden, der ihn nimmt wie er ist?

Festivals: Emmentaler Filmtage 2010
Awards: ISFF Leuven 2010: winner VAF Wildcard Animation 2010; Het Grote Ongeduld! Brussels 2010: winner Canvasprize Animation 2010; Cinéjeune de l’Aisne 2011: winner school jury prize



Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Sunday, June 19, 19:00 and Monday, June 20, 21:00 (UMAMI)


Country of Origin: Belgium
Year of Production: 2010
Duration: 20′
Category: Fiction

Director: Nicolas Provost
Screenplay: Nicolas Provost
Cinematographer: Nicolas Provost
Editor: Nicolas Provost
Producer: Nicolas Provost

Synopsis: Through his understanding of cinematographic language, Provost manipulates the audience into generating narratives and developing characters. As the piece progresses, the plots that must be built become more complex and less believable, exposing the tricks Provost is playing.
Inhalt: Der belgische Regisseur Nicolas Provost bezieht den Zuschauer ein sein filmisches Experiment mit ein: Aus dokumentarischen Aufnahmen in Las Vegas und Filmdialogen sowie Filmmusik formt er eine Geschichte, die eine falsche Fährte legt: So meint man sich in einem allzu bekannten Plot mit Dieben, Mördern und Korruption im Casino – Umfeld wiederzufinden.

Festivals: La Mostra di Venezia, 2010; Milano Film Festival, 2010; Festival du Nouveau Cinema, Montreal, 2010; Filmfestival Gent, 2010; International Film Festival, Chile, 2010; Kasseler Dokumentarfilm, 2010; Festival du Film De Vendome, 2010.
Awards: Tiger Award, Rotterdam International Film Festival 2011; Best Short Film, Oblique, Mecal International Short Film Festival Barcelona 2011; Mention of Merit, Tampere International Film Festival, Finland, 2011; Staff Award, International Film Festival Milan, 2010
