Let live (Leben lassen)

Screening: Friday, 22nd of June, 23:00 (City Kinos)

Country of Origin: Germany
Year of Production: 2011
Duration: 29
Category: Fiction

Director: Felix Charin
Screenplay: Felix Charin
Cinematographer: Raphael Beinder
Editor: Beatrice Babin
Music: Maxim Shagaev, Felix Charin, Markus Faust, Lorenz Dangel
Producer: Via Distelberg Produktion mit HFF München, arte, Bayerischer Rundfunk
Cast: Horst Sachtleben, Natalia Bobyleva, Jasmin Schwiers

Synopsis: > Irina Rybakova, a Russian woman of 59 years, lives illegally in Germany. She works as a twenty-four-seven carer – in the home of Johann Kreutz, who was in Russia as a commanding SS-Unterscharführer 67 years ago. Today, suffering from severe dementia, he demands immense around-the-clock care.
Inhalt: „Leben lassen“ handelt von der Russin Irina Rybakova, 59, die Johann Kreutz, 84, pflegt und in dessen Haus lebt. Johann Kreutz war 1944 in ihrer Heimat als SS-Unterscharführer und ist heute schwer dement und pflegebedürftig.

Weblink: www.kurzfilmtournee.de

Superman, Spiderman or Batman (Superman, Spiderman sau Batman)

Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Thursday, June 21, 19:00 (film.coop) and Saturday, June 23, 21:00 (City Kinos)

Country of Origin: Romania
Year of Production: 2011
Duration: 11′
Category: Fiction

Director: Tudor Giurgiu
Screenplay: Doru Lupeano
Cinematographer: Adrian Silisteanu
Editor: Eugen Kelemen
Producer: Bogdan Craciun

Synopsis: Aron, a 5-year-old boy, sets together with his worried father on a journey, at the end of which he wishes, like the superheroes in the comic books, to save his mother suffering from a heart condition.
Inhalt: Der 5-jährige Aron macht sich zusammen mit seinem Vater auf eine Reise, an deren Ende er sich wünscht, genau so wie die Superhelden in den Comics, seine Mutter retten zu können, die unter einem Herzfehler leidet.

Weblink: youtu.be/2pcdzfoEQCo

Over the seven hills and far away (Hinter den sieben Bergen)

Screening: Friday, 22nd of June, 23:00 (City Kinos)

Country of Origin: Germany
Year of Production: 2011
Duration: 30´
Category: Fiction

Director: Günther Franke
Screenplay: Josa-David Sesink
Cinematographer / Kamera: Kai Miedendorp
Editor: Carsten Weißenfels, Günther Franke
Music: Maxim Shagaev, Felix Charin, Markus Faust, Lorenz Dangel
Producer: Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin (dffb)
Cast: Adrian Zwicker, Natascha Hockwin, Thomas Harbort, Aurel von Arx

Synopsis: The boy without a name is seeking his fortune. He meets his friends and gets high. Somewhere between the dreaming and the waking hours, between the magical places of childhood and the dark vaults of reality, a love triangle takes place. In a world where boundaries do not exist. A world over the hills and far away.
Inhalt: Hinter den sieben Bergen liegt das Glück des Jungen ohne Namen. In der Musik, der Erde und dem Meer, im Rausch, zwischen seinen Freunden. Doch was bleibt, wenn das Glück kollabiert? Ein dunkles Märchen für Erwachsene.

Weblink: www.kurzfilmtournee.de

Films by Country

Could see a puma (Pude ver un puma)
Drifting home


Oh Willy
Chicken Chasseur (Duo de volailles, Sauce chasseur)

Brazil by Pero Vaz de Caminha (O Brasil de Pero Vaz Caminha)
Which cheese do you want? (Qual queijo você quer?)

Duty (Velvollisuus)

It is nothing (Ce n´est rien)

Adieu, N

Seeing sorrow (At se sorg)
Drifting home

5 Pounds (Khamsa Geneh)

Body Memory (Keha mälu)

Raimo does not look like Kevin Costner (Raimo ei näytä Kevin Costnerilta)

Destination North
Duty (Velvollisuus)
Oh Willy
The future, today (L´avenir c´est aujourd´hui)
When I grow up (Cuando sea grande)

Let live (Leben lassen)
Mountainous (Bergig)
Motovun my love (Motovun mon amour)
Over the hills and far away (Hinter den sieben Bergen)
The south seas (Südsee)
Syncope (Synkope)

Five lives by silence

When I grow up (Cuando sea grande)

Drifting home
Duty (Velvollisuus)
Five lives by silence

What remains (Quel che resta)

Empty bucket (Kofja e Zbrazet)


Destination North

Destination North

Dear Lisa (Kjaere Lisa)

New Zealand

Superman, Spiderman or Batman (Superman, Spiderman sau Batman)

Destination North
Dirty Friday
Nearby (Muy cerca)
The Bird Spider (La Migala)

The Netherlands
Bye (Dag)
Dolls vs dictators
Oh Willy

Five lives by silence
Silent (Sessiz-be Deng)

South Africa
Masi´s Law

South Korea
A Purpleman
Girl A

Five lives by silence
True Love

Drifting home

Empty bucket (Kofja e Zbrazet)
Firecracker (Fatakra)
Little Horses
The Miami Dentist

Veröffentlicht unter 2012

It is nothing (Ce n´est rien)

Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Sunday, June 24, 19:00 (film.coop)

Country of Origin: Canada
Year of Production: 2011
Duration: 15′
Category: Fiction

Director: Nicolas Roy
Screenplay: Nicolas Roy
Cinematographer: Mathieu Laverdière
Music: Thomas Augustin
Editor: Nicolas Roy
Producer: Gabrielle Tougas-Fréchette, Ménaïc Raoul
Cast: Martin Dubreuil, Éloise Bisson, Jean-Joseph Tremblay, Danielle Fichaud

Synopsis: Michel lives alone with his daughter Marie. Today, their monotonous life turns to drama.
Inhalt: Michel lebt alleine mit seiner Tochter Marie. Ihr monotones Leben verändert sich heute dramatisch.
Festivals: Festival de Cannes, France, 2011; Palmspring Shortfest; Worldwide Short Film Festival, Festival du Nouveau Cinéma; Vladivostoc International Film Festival, Russia; Melbourne International Film Festival, Australia; Cinéfest Sudbury, Canada; Trouville, France; Message to Man, Russia; Festival Images en vue, Canada; Encounter Film Festival, UK; Festival du Film de la Ville de Québec, Canada; FICFA, Canada; Tournée Wiz-Art, Ukraine; Ciné-Tapis Rouge; Les Rendez-Vous du Cinéma Québécois, Canada; Regard sur le Court Métrage; Les Prix Jutras, 2012; Mecal Int. Short film Festival |2012| En compétition

Weblink: www.cenestrien.com

Motovun my love (Motovun mon amour)

German Premiere

Screenings: Wednesday, June 27, 19:00 (film.coop)

Country of Origin: Germany
Year of Production: 2011
Duration: 30’30
Category: Documentary

Director: Lothar Just, Arno Trampe
Screenplay: Lothar Just, Arno Trampe
Cinematographer: Arno Trampe
Music: Klapa Motovun
Editor: Lothar Just, Arno Trampe

Synopsis: Motuvun is one of the most picturesque and interesting towns in Istria. Like many other cities in the region, it had a turbulent history. In 1948, almost everybody left, but, in recent years, newcomers (both Croatians and foreigners) have occupied the houses again. An important question is: can these locals and newcomers create a coherent community? This documentary tries to find out by questioning several representatives of the parties concerned.
Inhalt: Motovun ist eine der schönsten und interessantesten Städte in Istrien und hat wie viele andere in der Region eine wechselvolle Vergangenheit. Die Gegenwart ist geprägt von Unsicherheit ob der Zukunft, und der Film versucht durch Befragung herauszufinden, ob Einheimische und Fremde dabei einen gemeinsamen Weg finden können.

Festivals: Motovun, Trieste, Bozen

Weblink: www.motovun-creative-group.com

True love

German Premiere

Screenings:Friday, June 22, 19:00 (City Kinos) and Tuesday, June 26, 19:00 (film.coop)

Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Year of Production: 2012
Duration: 12′
Category: Fiction

Director: Mark Triller
Screenplay: Mark Triller
Cinematographer: Sandra Samacá
Editor: Melissa Lo
Producer: Yang Yang
Cast: Eloise Black, Cameron Harris, Peter Charlton, Eloise Secker, Matthew Jones

Synopsis: Adam and his girlfriend are having trouble in their relationship. But when an old man tells him the secret to making true love last forever, Adam is faced with a dilemma where the cost of saving his relationship is almost as damaging as watching it self destruct.
Inhalt: Adam und seine Freundin haben Probleme in ihrer Beziehung. Als ein alter Mann Adam ein Geheimnis verrät um wahre Liebe ewig währen zu lassen, sieht sich dieser gefangen in einem Dilemma, in dem der Preis, den er für die Rettung seiner Beziehung bezahlen muss, fast ebenso schmerzhaft ist, wie dabei zuzusehen, wie diese auseinanderbricht.

Festivals: Limelight Film Festival 2012, UK


Adieu, N

German Premiere

Screenings:Saturday, June 23, 19:00 (City Kinos) and Monday, June 25, 21:00 (film.coop)

Country of Origin : Croatia
Year of Production: 2011
Duration: 15′
Category: Short Fiction

Director: Barbara Vekaric
Screenplay: Barbara Vekaric
Cinematographer: Filip Tot
Editor: Lea Mileta
Producer: Marija Ratkovic
Cast: Natasa Janjic, Amar Bukvic, Silvio Vovk

Synopsis: Memories are special if they’re unique. In order to forget her ex Nikola, Maja decides to destroy all their memories by making them less special, by repeating them. She invites Nikola’s look alike, and directs a remake of one of their nights. But, is a remake ever as good as original?
Inhalt: Ihre Einzigartigkeit macht Erinnerungen zu etwas Besonderem. Um ihren Ex-Freund Nikola zu vergessen, entschließt sich Maja, ihre Erinnerungen zu zerstören indem sie sie wiederholt. Sie lädt Nikolas Doppelgänger zu sich ein und plant ein Remake einer ihrer gemeinsamen Nächte. Aber kann ein Remake jemals so gut sein wie das Original?

Trailer: www.vimeo.com