A Purpleman

German Premiere

Screenings:Friday, June 22, 19:00 (City Kinos) and Tuesday, June 26, 19:00 (film.coop)

Country of Origin: South Korea
Year of Production: 2010
Duration: 13′
Category: Animation

Director: Tak-hoon Kim
Screenplay: Hyung-Kee Lee
Cinematographer: Ki-Man Kim
Music: Tae-Keun Kim
Editor: Tae-Sik Han, Jun-Ho Cho
Producer: Tak-hoon Kim
Cast: Hyuk Kim

Synopsis: 18 year-old North Korean-born Hyuk Kim is tortured in prison for illegal trading to China. He is released on a special amnesty and succeeds in escaping from North to South Korea. Hyuk Kim now lives happily here, being able to eat his favorite boiled eggs as much as he wants at a buffet. But sometimes he is disheartened by the economic crisis or discrimination in South Korea. He does not think he’s a red man, the color symbolizing the North, nor a blue man of South Korea. Then what is he? A purple man? This is the tale of Hyuk Kim as a North Korean refugee in South Korea with no political intention.
Inhalt: Der 18-jährige Nordkoreaner Hyuk Kim wird im Gefängnis für illegalen Handel mit China gefoltert. Er wird bagnadigt und kann nach Südkorea fliehen. Dort lebt er glücklich, da er in den Selbstbedienungs-Restaurants unendlich viele seiner Lieblingseier essen kann. Manchmal stimmen ihn die Wirtschfatskrise und die Diskriminierung dennoch traurig. Er sieht sich selbst weder als roten Mann Nordkoreas, noch als blauen Mann des Südens. Aber was ist er dann? Lila? Dies ist die Geschichte von Hyuk Kim als nordkoreanischer Flüchtling ohne politische Absichten in Südkorea.

Festivals: ION Animation Game and Short Film Festival 2012, Turkey; Tampere Film Festival 2011, Finland; San Francisco International Film Festival 2011, USA; AMC Theatre Kansas City Film Festival 2011, USA; Tokyo Short Shorts Film Festival 2011, Japan; Cinema Digital Film Festival 2011, Korea; DMZ Film Festival 2011, Korea; Gwangju Human Rights Film Festival 2011, Korea
Awards: DMC Contents Award Korea; Best Asian International Film at Tokyo Short Shorts Film Festival 2011, Japan


Dirty Friday

Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Friday, June 22, 21:00 (City Kinos) and Monday, June 25, 19:00 (film.coop)

Country of Origin: Spain
Year of Production: 2010
Duration: 8′
Category: Animation

Director: Adrián Miguel Delgado, Tenesor Cruz Niesvaara
Screenplay: Adrián Miguel Delgado, Tenesor Cruz Niesvaara
Music: Tenesor Cruz Niesvaara, Ruth Rodríguez Gutiérrez, Daniel Negrín Galván
Editor: Adrián Miguel Delgado, Tenesor Cruz Niesvaara
Producer: Carlos Roca Ramírez
Cast: Juan Aguiar Clavijo, Tamara Vázquez Schröder, Johnathan Ip, Tenesor Cruz Niesvaara, Adrián Miguel Delgado

Synopsis: A man very fussy about order punishes his cat in a very exaggerated manner. The owner of the animal starts to lose his mind as he obsessively speculates about the pet’s possible plans for revenge.
Inhalt: Ein ordnungsliebender Mann bestraft seine Katze auf sehr übertriebene Weise. Er beginnt seinen Verstand zu verlieren, als er obsessiv darüber spekuliert, welche möglichen Rachepläne sein Haustier nun hegen könnte.

Festivals: 11th International Animation Film festival Golden Kuker Sofia, Bulgaria; 3rd Festival TOFUZI 2011, Georgia; 7th FAIAL FILMES FEST – Festival de Cinema dos Açores, Portugal; 31st Festival de cine d’Amiens, France; FICG27 Festival Internacional de cine de Guadalajara, Mexico; 1st Festival de Animación Cromafest, Mexico; 5th International Film Festival „STEPS“ 2012, Kharkov, Ukraine; 30th Festival Cinematográfico Internacional del Uruguay; 22th MEDIAWAVE International Film and Music Festival, Hungary; 8th Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes FENACO Perú; Festival Baumann 2011, Terrassa, Spain; Festival Internacional de Cine de Albacete, Spain; 16 Certamen Nacional de Creación Audiovisual de Cabra, Spain; Festival Int’l de Cine Documental y Cortometraje de Bilbao – ZINEBI 53, Spain; XXIII Concurso de cortos fantásticos y de terror de Sants, Spain; Muestra Cine Club UNED – Sección La Factoría de cortos Nacionales, Soria, Spain; Concurso cortos de terror y suspense de Orès, Zaragoza, Spain; Cinemad 2011 – XVII Festival de Cine independiente y de culto, Spain; VIII Festival Internacional de Cine Solidario KO & DIGITAL. Sant Sadurní D’Anoia. Barcelona, Spain; XIII Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes “Ciudad de Soria”, Spain; Festival de cine de Zaragoza, X Certamen de Cortometrajes de Animación, Spain; XII Certamen de Cine Corto de Salas de los Infantes, Spain; Mostra Internacional de Cinema d’Animació de Catalunya; Spain; 18ª Mostra de Cinema Llatinoamericà de Catalunya, Leida
Awards: Best Canaries Animated Short at Canarias Media Fest, Spain; Audience Award for Best Animated Short at Festival Baumann 2011, Terrassa, Spain; Best Islands Short at 7th FAIAL FILMES FEST Festival de Cinema dos Açores, Portugal; Best Direction at Cinemad 2011, Spain;


Oh Willy…

Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Friday, June 22, 21:00 (City Kinos) and Monday, June 25, 19:00 (film.coop)

Country of Origin: Belgium, France, Netherlands
Year of Production: 2011
Duration: 17′
Category: Animation

Director: Emma De Swaef, Marc James Roels
Cinematographer: Marc James Roels
Screenplay: Emma De Swaef, Marc James Roels
Music: Bram Meindersma
Editor: Dieter Diependaele
Producer: Ben Tesseur

Synopsis: Forced to return to his naturist roots, Willy bungles his way into noble savagery, where he finds the protection of a hairy beast.
Inhalt: Gezwungen, in das Naturisten-Camp, in dem er aufwuchs, zurückzukehren, verwildert Willy zunehmends und findet den Schutz eines haarigen Monsters.

Festivals: Indielisboa, Portugal; Brussels Film Festival, Belgium; International Short Film Festival Clermont-Ferrand 2012, France, Holland Animation Film Festival 2012, Netherlands, Anifilm Trebon, Czech Republic
Awards: Award for Best Short at Anifilm Trebon, Czech Republic; Jury Prize at Brussels Film Festival, Belgium; Grand Prix at Holland Animation Film Festival 2012, Netherlands


Little Quentin

Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Friday, June 17, 19:00 and Tuesday, June 21, 19:00 (SOUR)


Country of Origin: Netherlands
Year of Production: 2010
Duration: 10′
Category: Animation

Director: Albert ‚t Hooft, Paco Vink
Screenplay: Albert ‚t Hooft, Paco Vink
Editor: Albert ‚t Hooft
Music: Maarten Spruijt
Producer: Michiel Snijders, Arnoud Rijken

Synopsis: Oswald Bunny gets help from his friends Jack, Charlie the Clown and Mr.Wilco the astronaut to cover up a terrible crime! Oswald the big Bunny will not escape his punishment, nor will his companions. Murder is no child’s play!
Inhalt: Im niederländischen Animationsfilm „Little Quentin“ muss das Kaninchen Oswald mit Hilfe seiner Freunde Jack, Charlie dem Clown und dem Astronaut Mr. Wilco einen Mord vertuschen – doch der gerechten Strafe können weder erselbst noch seine Freunde entgehen.

Festivals: NAFF Animated Film Festival, Bosnia Herzegovina, 2010; SICAF, South Korea, 2010; AnimaMundi, 2010, Brazil; Utrecht, The Netherlands Film Festival, 2010; Cinematou, Switzerland, 2010; Anim’est, Romania 2010; DOK Leipzig, Germany, 2010; Fike 2010, Portugal, 2010; Leids Film Festival, Portugal 2010; Yasujiro Ozu International Short Film Festival, Italy, 2010; Holland Animation Film Festival, 2010; International Short Film Festival, Belgium, 2010; Clermont-Ferrand, Short Film Festival, France, 2011; Go Short, Netherlands, 2011; Aubagne International Film Festival, France, 2011; Animabasauri AnimaBasque, Spain, 2011; Imagine – Fantastic Film Festival, 2011, Netherlands

Weblink: www.anikey.nl

The Tongueling (Kielitiettyni)

Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Thursday, June 16, 19:00 and Saturday, June 18, 21:00 (SWEET)


Country of Origin: Finland
Year of Production: 2010
Duration: 4′
Category: Animation

Director: Elli Vuorinen
Screenplay: Elli Vuorinen
Cinematographer: Elli Vuorinen
Editor: Alex Bolumar
Music: Jani Lehto
Producer: Eija Saarinen, Turku Arts Academy

Synopsis: Wooden knocks are echoing in a frozen landscape when a lonesome man is searching for a tongueling of his own.
Inhalt: Ein hölzernes Klopfen hallt durch eine eisige Landschaft, wo ein einsamer Mann nach dem passenden Gegenstück für seine Zunge sucht – ein liebevoll gezeichnetes Animationsmärchen.

Festivals: Animadrid 2010, Spain; Tindirindis 2010, Lithuania; Dok Leipzig 2010, Germany; Cicdaf 2010, China; Holland Animation festival 2010, Netherlands; Banja Luka 2010, Bosnia Herzegovina; Golden Kuker 2010, Bulgaria; Balkanima 2010, Serbia; Fredrikstad iaff 2010, Norway; Animania 2010, Serbia; First Step Film Fest 2010, Albania; Puchon International Student Animation Festival 2010, PISAF, Korea; Animateka 2010, Slovenia; Animated Dreams 2010, Estonia; Zinebi 2010, Spain; Euro Shorts 2010, Poland; Kettupäivät 2010, Finland; Anilogue 2010, Hungary; Istanbul animation festival 2010, Turkey; WIA-fest 2011, USA; Arktisen Upeeta 2011, Finland; Clermont-Ferrand 2011, LAB competition, France; Premiers Plans 2011, France; Flatpack Festival 2011, UK; TABAKALERA 2011, Spain; Minimalen 2011, Norway; Roanne animation film festival 2011, France; International Short Film Festival Dresden 2011, Garmany; Annecy International Animation Festival 2011, France; Artichoke Film Festival 2011, Finland; Rappiotaiteenfestivaali, Finland; Vienna Independent Shorts 2011, Austria; The 2011 Citrus Cel Animation Film Festival 2011, USA; CFC Worldwide Short Film Festival 2011, Canada; MUMIA – Underground World Animation Festival 2011, Brazil
Awards: Tricky Women Award of the City of Vienna, Austria; Best Student Animation, Anifest 2011, Czech Republic; Special Prize, Prize of the Youth Jury, Tampere Film Festival 2011, Finland; Best Sound, FLIP Animation Festival 2010, UK; Honorable Mention, Animatricks 2010, Finland

Weblink: www.ellivuorinen.com

Clean Carousel

Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Friday, June 17, 19:00 and Tuesday, June 21, 19:00 (SOUR)


Country of Origin: Denmark
Year of Production: 2010
Duration: 2′
Category: Animation

Director: Andreas Bødker
Screenplay: Andreas Bødker ,Tommy Bredsted
Music: Per Møllehøj, Heine Hansen, Lars Tormod Jenset
Producer: Ole Madsen

Synopsis: A dedicated man works hard to provide a sparking clean carousel for the children but the forces of nature are working against him. Thankfully, a clean quick solution is at hand.
Inhalt: Ein engagierter und hingebungsvoller Mann arbeitet hart daran, sein Karusell für Kinder sauber und attraktiv zu erhalten. Nur arbeiten die Gesetze der Natur leider oftmals nicht ganz in seinem Sinne. Gott sei Dank hat er aber auch dafür eine schnelle, saubere Lösung parat …

Weblink: www.fabulab.dk

Mouse for sale

German Premiere

Screenings: Thursday, June 16, 19:00 and Saturday, June 18, 21:00 (SWEET)


Country of Origin: Belgium
Year of Production: 2010
Duration: 4′
Category: Animation

Director: Wouter Bongaerts
Screenplay: Wouter Bongaerts
Cinematographer: Wouter Bongaerts
Editor: Wouter Bongaerts
Music: Olivier Wery
Producer: Wouter Bongaerts

Synopsis: Snickers is a lonely mouse in a petshop, craving to be bought by someone. But he’s got one big problem: his huge ears. The kids entering the store keep laughing at him. Will Snickers find the buddy he so desires, someone who will take him for who he is?
Inhalt: Snickers ist ein einsames Mäuschen in einer Tierhandlung. Er hat ein Riesenproblem: seine großen Ohren. Die Kinder, die in die Tierhandlung kommen, lachen ihn alle aus. Wird Snickers den Freund finden, nach dem er sich so sehr sehnt? Jemanden, der ihn nimmt wie er ist?

Festivals: Emmentaler Filmtage 2010
Awards: ISFF Leuven 2010: winner VAF Wildcard Animation 2010; Het Grote Ongeduld! Brussels 2010: winner Canvasprize Animation 2010; Cinéjeune de l’Aisne 2011: winner school jury prize

Weblink: wallysketches.wordpress.com

Love & Theft

Screening: Saturday, June 18, 23:00 (BEST OF GERMANY)


Country of Origin: Germany
Year of Production: 2010
Duration: 7′
Category: Animation

Director: Andreas Hykade
Screenplay: Andreas Hykade
Anmimation: Andreas Hykade, Angela Steffen
Music: Heiko Maile
Producer: Thomas Meyer-Hermann

Synopsis: „And I’m still carrying the gift you gave, it’s a part of me now, it’s been cherished and saved, it’ll be with me unto the grave and then unto eternity.“ (Bob Dylan)
Inhalt: „Und ich trage immer noch das Geschenk, das du mir gabst, es ist ein Teil von mir geworden, ich halte es in Ehren, und bewahre es bis ins Grab und in alle Ewigkeit.“ (Bob Dylan)

Festivals & Awards: International Short Film Festival Clermont-Ferrand; Deutscher Kurzfilmpreis; Music for Animation, Internationales Trickfilm-Festival Stuttgart; Grand Prix, Bradford Animation Festival; Award for Original Music, International Animated Film Festival, Annecy/France; Special Award, Zagreb World Festival of Animated Films; Bestes Sounddesign, Internationales KurzFilmFestival Hamburg

Weblink: www.hykade.de

White Crow (Le Corbeau Blanc)

German Premiere

Screenings: Sunday, June 19, 19:00 and Monday, June 20, 21:00 (UMAMI)


Country of Origin: France, Ukraine
Year of Production: 2011
Duration: 8′
Category: Animation

Director: Anatoliy Lavrenishyn
Screenplay: Anatoliy Lavrenishyn
Producer: Florence Keller

Synopsis: Awaken by the White Crow, a link in the chain steps out of line and tries to reach its ideal. But is the century-old mechanics really going to let him take flight?
Inhalt: In einer im Winter versunkenen Welt versucht eine kettenartige Formation von Vögeln mittels einer altmodischen Maschine die Sonne zu erreichen – aufgerüttelt von einer weißen, tollpatschigen Krähe. Ob das gutgeht?

Festivals: Clermont Ferrand International Short Film Festival, 2011

Weblink: www.toll.in.ua

The Lost Town of Switez

Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Thursday, June 16, 19:00 and Saturday, June 18, 21:00 (SWEET)


Country of Origin: Poland, France, Canada, Switzerland, Denmark
Year of Production: 2011
Duration: 20′
Category: Animation

Director: Kamil Polak
Screenplay: Kamil Polak
Cinematographer: Kamil Polak
Editor: Kamil Polak
Music: Irina Bogdanovich
Producer: Stanislaw Dziedzic

Synopsis: The animated film The Lost Town of Switez is based on the 19th-century epic poem by Poland’s greatest writer, Adam Mickiewicz, about a ghostly town deluged after a bloody massacre in medieval times, which now lies at the bottom of a remote lake. It is an apocalyptic tale of destruction, religious miracles and spectral visitations.
Inhalt: Ein bildgewaltiges, apokalyptisches Märchen, angesiedelt im Polen des 19. Jahrhunderts: Eine Pferdekutsche verunglückt im Wald, ein junger Reisender steigt aus dem Wrack und findet Kutscher und Pferde tief schlafend vor. Verwirrt stolpert er in den Wald, als aus der Dunkelheit kriegerische Schatten auf dunklen Rössern auftauchen. Als sie mit brennenden Pfeilen schießen, rennt er um sein Leben bis zu einem See. Er fällt hinein und landet in einer mittelalterlichen Stadt, die am Grunde des Sees liegt – und von den unheimlichen Kriegern bedroht wird.

Festivals: 61. Berlin International Film Festival
Awards: Best Short Film, Las Palmas IFF 2011; Best Short Film, Cartoons at the Bay 2011.

Weblink: www.switez.com