The Six Dollar Fifty Man

Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Friday, June 18, 21:00 and Tuesday, June 22, 19:00 (SALTY)


Country of Origin / Land: New Zealand / Neuseeland
Year of Production / Jahr: 2009
Duration / Länge: 15’00“
Category / Kategorie: Fiction

Director / Regie: Mark Albiston, Louis Sutherland
Screenplay / Drehbuch: Mark Albiston, Louis Sutherland
Cinematographer / Kamera: Simon Baumfield
Editor / Schnitt: Mike Bridgman
Music / Musik: Connan Hosford
Producer / Produktion: Wendy Cuthbert
Cast / Darsteller: Oscar Vandy-Connor, Celina Russo-Bewick

Synopsis: Things are by no means easy at school in New Zealand in the seventies, especially if you’re a bit different from everyone else. At least this is what a fearless eight-year-old named Andy thinks. In his imagination, Andy lives the life of a superhero; he believes he has the power to show all the teen- age playground hooligans who’s boss. But one day, Andy gets into trouble with the school’s head. He realises that he must face up to reality if he is going to save not just his own skin, but that of his friend, Mary.
Inhalt: Auch im Neuseeland der 70er Jahre hat man es in der Schule nicht gerade leicht, wenn man anders ist als die andern. Das muss auch Andy erfahren, ein furchtloser Achtjähriger, der in seiner Fantasie das Leben eines Super- helden führt und über Superkräfte zu verfügen glaubt, die es ihm erlauben, all die halbstarken Spielplatzrowdys in ihre Grenzen zu verweisen. Doch als Andy Ärger mit dem Schulleiter kriegt, stellt er fest, dass er sich der Wirklich- keit wohl stellen muss, wenn er nicht nur seine eigene Haut, sondern auch seine Freundin Mary retten will.

Festivals & Awards: 62nd Festival De Cannes France 2009 (Special Distinction), New Zealand International Film Festival New Zealand 2009, Melbourne International Film Festival Australia 2009, Expresion en Corto Mexico 2009 (Best International Short Film Fiction), Middle East International Film Festival United Arab Emirates 2009 (Black Pearl 09 for Best Narrative Short), BFI 53rd London Film Festival UK 2009, St Tropez Antipodes International Film Festival France 2009, Stockholm International Film Festival Sweden 2009, Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival Taiwan 2009, 55th Valladolid International Film Festival Spain 2009 (Silver Spike), International Festival of Documentary and Short Films of Bilbao Spain 2009 (Zinebi 51), Flickerfest Australia 2010 (Coopers Award for Best Short Film), Sundance Film Festival USA 2010 (Jury Prize in International Short Filmmaking), 32nd Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival France 2010 (Special Mention), 60th Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin Germany 2010 (Generation Kplus), 20th Annual Cinequest Film Festival USA 2010, 20th Annual Cinequest Film Festival USA 2010 (Best Narrative Short), 34th Hong Kong International Film Festival China 2010, New York International Children’s Film Festival USA 2010, NYCIFF Special Jury Award USA 2010, Minimalen Short Film Festival Norway 2010, Filmfest DC USA 2010, International Film Festival, Breda The Netherlands 2010, Aspen Shortsfest USA 2010, Aspen Shortsfest USA 2010 (Best Drama), British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) USA 2010, Aspen Shortsfest, USA 2010 (Prize for Excellence), Nashville Film Festival USA 2010, IndieLisboa Portugal 2010


Cages (Jaulas)

German Premiere

Screenings: Saturday, June 19, 19:00 and Tuesday, June 22, 21:00 (UMAMI)


Country of Origin / Land: Mexico / Mexiko
Year of Production / Jahr: 2009
Duration / Länge: 10’00“
Category / Kategorie: Animation

Director / Regie: Juan José Medina
Screenplay / Drehbuch: Juan José Medina
Cinematographer / Kamera: Juan José Medina
Editor / Schnitt: Uri Espinosa
Music / Musik: Alfredo Sánchez Gutiérrez, Mario Osuna
Producer / Produktion: Ana de la Rosa Zamboni, Juan José Medina, Rita Basulto

Synopsis: As an old man collects his traps in the desert, hunting for any new game he might have caught, an unearthly spirit is stalking his own prey.
Inhalt: Während ein alter Jäger seine Fallen in der Wüste auf der Suche nach einem neuen Fang einsammelt, lauert ein ausserirdisches Wesen auf seine eigene Beute.

Festivals & Awards: Huesca International Film Festival Spain 2009 (Cacho Pallero Award:Best Short Film), Anima Mundi Brasil 2009, Palm Spring Film Festival USA 20 (Best Animation Short Film), Festival Internacional De Cine en Guadalajara Mexico 2009, Flickerfest Australia 2010


She’s a Blur

European Premiere

Screenings: Friday, June 18, 21:00 and Tuesday, June 22, 19:00 (SOUR)


Country of Origin / Land: Brazil, USA / Brasilien, USA
Year of Production / Jahr: 2009
Duration / Länge: 19’00“
Category / Kategorie: Fiction

Director / Regie: Gandja Monteiro
Screenplay / Drehbuch: Gandja Monteiro, Hannah B. Schick
Cinematographer / Kamera: Doug Emmett
Editor / Schnitt: Gandja Monteiro, Brandon Harris, Nick Kaye, Veronique Doumbe
Music / Musik: The Books, I Love You But I’ve Chosen Darkness, Joanna Newsom, Blind Willie Johnson
Producer / Produktion: Gandja Monteiro, Melonie Diaz
Cast / Darsteller: Hannah B. Schick, Jason Catalano, Stas May, Sky Koltun, Jose Estevez, Gandja Monteiro

Synopsis: Barely an adult, 21 year-old Jack moves from her small town in North Dakota to New York City. Finding herself swept up into the beautiful chaos of the city, of youth, of womanhood, of becoming an artist – she loses herself. In an attempt to break into something new and to escape the routine, to perhaps uncover a new self or maybe to simply feel beautiful – she agrees to sit for an established painter. When she realizes his intentions are more then she expected, she feels violated and crushed. Disappointed and disgusted, Jack plunges into an even deeper depression. A seemingly unshakeable feeling that life is quickly loosing its substance takes hold. So she sets to the streets, riding her bicycle through Manhattan, through the crowds, through the fog, through it all. She struggles to keep her job at a print shop job and her own inspiration as a writer suffers greatly. Gradually a new form of focus and expression forms and she finds herself biking through the streets of New York with a big bag of chalk stopping every now and again to write an old quote on the concrete. This simple communion of words that were said before but are again being written provides Jack with the inspiration to get over it and get on with it.
Inhalt: Die gerade erwachsene Jack verlässt ihre dörfliche Heimat für die grosse Stadt New York City. Da wird sie in das schöne Chaos der Stadt hineingezogen. Die Entwicklung ihrer Kunst und ihre Reifung als Frau prägen sich in ihrer einzigartigen Beziehung mit New York City aus.

Festivals & Awards: Fusion Film Festival USA 2009 (Winner, Best Undergraduate Director Award), NYU First Run Film Festival USA 2009


Waiting For…

European Premiere

Screenings: Friday, June 18, 19:00 and Monday, June 21, 21:00 (SALTY)


Country of Origin / Land: Japan
Year of Production / Jahr: 2009
Duration / Länge: 3’54“
Category / Kategorie: Fiction

Director / Regie: Shunsuke Minowa
Screenplay / Drehbuch: Shunsuke Minowa
Cinematographer / Kamera: Shunsuke Minowa
Editor / Schnitt: Shunsuke Minowa
Music / Musik: Shinya Hashimoto
Producer / Produktion: Yoshiyuki Sunai
Cast / Darsteller: Masatomo Naya, Keishi Sugino

Synopsis: Robbers are in waiting in the car and getting more and more irritated by the minute as they wait for their accomplice to return with the loot.
Inhalt: Ein paar Diebe werden zunehmend nervös, während sie im Auto auf ihren Komplizen mit der Beute warten.

Just A Pitch

Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Thursday, June 17, 19:00 and Saturday, June 19, 21:00 (SWEET)


Country of Origin / Land: France / Frankreich
Year of Production / Jahr: 2009
Duration / Länge: 23’00“
Category / Kategorie: Fiction

Director / Regie: Eric Raynaud
Screenplay / Drehbuch: Eric Raynaud
Cinematographer / Kamera: Simon Beaufils
Editor / Schnitt: Stéphanie Pédelacq
Music / Musik: Thierry Los
Producer / Produktion: Eric Raynaud
Cast / Darsteller: Gérald Laroche, Jean Fornerod, Sanjay Mirabeau, Nicolas Bienvenu

Synopsis: Sanjay, a young Indian screenwriter, lands in Paris Airport on his way to sign the biggest contract of his budding film career. But Robert, the chief of the immigration, notices that Sanjay’s passport will expire before his return flight. Robert thinks this is no accident and he’s just not buying Sanjay’s “story”.
Inhalt: Sanjay landet in Paris um den wichtigsten Vertrag seiner Karriere zu unterzeichnen. Doch zuvor muss sich der junge Drehbuchautor aus den Fängen der Flughafenpolizei befreien und zwar mit seinen eigenen Waffen.

Festivals & Awards: Festival international de comédie de l’Alpe d’Huez France 2009, Festival Itinérances France 2009 (Audience Award and Youth Jury Sp), COLCOA Film Festival USA 2009, World Wide Short Film Festival Canada 2009, Festival du court métrage en plein air France 2009 (Grand Prix and Audience Award), Cinéma Nouvelle génération France 2009, International Film Festival of Troia Portugal 2009, IFFI Goa India (Special Jury Prize), Festival des Jeunes Réalisateurs France 2009 (Audience Award), Rencontres Cinématographiques France 2009 (Best Acting), Interfilm Germany 2009, 27+1 Festival Russian Federation 2009, Hérault du Cinéma France 2009 (Audience Award), Festival de Film Francophone France 2010 (Youth Jury Award), Cleveland International Film Festival USA 2010, Espoir 35 mm France 2010 (Audience Award), Short Shorts Film Festival Japan 2010, Rencontres Cinématographiques France 2010 (Best Short Film)


The Writer’s Journey

June 19 & 20, 2010

Master Class with Christopher Vogler

The Writer’s Journey Master Class is a quest to discover how stories create emotions in an audience. The essence of stories will be explored, tracing the bones and nervous system, so to speak, of the storytelling process. The mechanisms of stories are intimately connected with the vital organs of the body and combine with imagery deeply implanted in our minds to create strong emotional responses when we hear or see a good, „healthy“ story, with all its parts operating in balance like a healthy human body.

The Writer’s Journey is inspired by ancient patterns of narrative embedded in myths and fairy tales. These structures and systems still have power to fascinate us and bring up strong emotions, as workshop leader Christopher Vogler has witnessed in dozens of Hollywood productions where he has been called upon to provide the mythic touch. In the Master Class he brings a systematic approach to structuring stories from the ground up using the Hero’s Journey pattern as a roadmap.

The first part of the workshop deals with structure. It defines the essence of the contract between the storyteller and the audience, and covers the 12 stages of the classic mythic journey, with discussion of alternative approaches to structuring stories. Film clips will demonstrate how the mythic structure stirs emotion. The second part is devoted to character, and will introduce the eight major archetypes, a primal cast of characters that are always in demand. In addition, Christopher Vogler will open up his bag of Hollywood story tricks, sharing the secrets he has learned in working for the major studios in Los Angeles on hundreds of productions.

The Writer’s Journey will explore:

  • The origins and essence of storytelling
  • A 12-stage template for story structure derived from myths and fairy tales
  • How to connect with the emotional centers in the body
  • How to use the engine of polarity to make your story come to life
  • How to add deeper levels to your stories and characters
  • How to create the powerful emotional effect of catharsis
  • How to use 8 useful archetypes of character
  • Current screenwriting techniques for winning over the reader
  • Secrets of entertainment from the world of vaudeville

The Master Class will take place on June 19 and 20 every day from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Gloria Palast right in the heart of Munich on Karlsplatz („Stachus“) within the framework of the MUNICH INTERNATIONAL short film festival and with the support of the FilmFernsehFonds Bayern. Unless otherwise noted, our standard Terms & Conditions apply.

The Trainer:

Christopher Vogler is a veteran story consultant for major Hollywood film companies and a respected teacher of filmmakers and writers around the globe. His book „The Writer’s Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers“, applying the ancient patterns of myth to modern story-telling, has helped to shape the way people in movies, TV, and publishing think about stories and is required reading at many film schools and literature programs. He has influenced the screenplays of movies from THE LION KING to THE WRESTLER.

Veröffentlicht unter 2010


Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Thursday, June 17, 19:00 and Saturday, June 19, 21:15 (SWEET)


Country of Origin / Land: Hungary / Ungarn
Year of Production / Jahr: 2009
Duration / Länge: 13’00“
Category / Kategorie: Fiction

Director / Regie: Balázs Simonyi
Screenplay / Drehbuch: Zoltán Áprily, Balázs Simonyi
Cinematographer / Kamera: Zoltán Lovasi
Editor / Schnitt: Balázs Simonyi
Music / Musik: László Pirisi
Producer / Produktion: Balázs Simonyi, Zoltán Áprily
Cast / Darsteller: Iván Fenyõ, Ayörgy Gazsó

Synopsis: Anti is a surveyor and an obsessed hobby-cyclist. He has a dream. One day he will be able to ride 183 km uphill as cyclists do at Tour de France. And, as we know, faith can move mountains.
Inhalt: Anti ist ein besessener Hobby-Radsportler. Er hat einen Traum. Eines Tages will er es schaffen, wie die Radfahrer bei der Tour de France 183 km bergauf zu fahren. Und, wie wir wissen, kann Glaube Berge versetzen.

Festivals & Awards: Maremetraggio Film Festival Best Short Film CEI Award Italy 2009, Bristol Brief Encounters International Short Film Festival UK 2009, European Short Film Festival UNLIMITED Germany 2009, Cracow Film Festival Poland 2009, Drama International Short Film Festival Greece 2009, Instanbul International Short Film Days Turkey 2009, Lagów International Film Festival Poland 2009, Targu-Mures AlterNative Romania 2009, Tehran Short Film Festival Iran 2009, Tokyo Short Shorts Film Festival Japan 2009


Glenn Owen Dodds

German Premiere

Screenings: Thursday, June 17, 19:00 and Saturday, June 19, 21:00 (SWEET)


Country of Origin / Land: Australia / Australien
Year of Production / Jahr: 2009
Duration / Länge: 16’15“
Category / Kategorie: Fiction

Director / Regie: Frazer Bailey
Screenplay / Drehbuch: Trent Dalton
Cinematographer / Kamera: Tony Luu
Editor / Schnitt: Steve Cooper
Music / Musik: Mark McDuff
Producer / Produktion: Bec Dakin
Cast / Darsteller: David Wenham, Abe Forsythe, Bella Heathcote

Synopsis: Michael Radcliffe was catching the bus this morning, like he does every day of his everyday life. He didn’t expect to have a five-minute sit-down with God, Glenn Owen Dodds that is, a mysterious man who claims to be God. Could he really be God? He seems to know an awful lot about Michael Radcliffe… But what kind of God looks like a hapless mug punter with a frightful filing system? But, then again, how does Glenn Owen Dodds know the meaning of life?
Inhalt: Michael Radcliffe trifft einen mysteriösen Mann, der behauptet, er sei Gott.

Festivals & Awards: Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival France 2010 (Winner of the International Prix Canal+ Award), Heart of Gold International Film Festival Australia 2010 (Winner Best Queensland Film), Aspen Shortsfest USA 2010, Next Film Festival Romania 2010, Newport Beach Film Festival USA 2010, Seattle International Film Festival USA 2010


Red Water Red

German Premiere

Screenings: Friday, June 18, 19:00 and Monday, June 21, 21:00 (SALTY)


Country of Origin / Land: Australia / Australien
Year of Production / Jahr: 2009
Duration / Länge: 8’18“
Category / Kategorie: Fiction

Director / Regie: Qing Xie
Screenplay / Drehbuch: Qing Xie
Cinematographer / Kamera: László Baranyai ACS/HSC
Editor / Schnitt: Qing Xie
Music / Musik: Gabriel Csaszar
Producer / Produktion: Adam Driver
Cast / Darsteller: Ferdinand Hoang, Susanna Qian

Synopsis: Sadomasochism, the specter of a dead mother, and an elaborate and grotesque fantasy all play a part as a young girl draws her father into a sexual relationship.
Inhalt: Sadomasochismus, der Geist einer toten Mutter und eine durchdachte und groteske Fantasie spielen alle eine Rolle bei der Verführung des Vaters durch ein junges Mädchen.

Festivals & Awards: VCA Premiere Awards Australia 2008 (Film Victoria Award, Best Film), VCA Premiere Awards Australia 2008 (Nominee – Village Roadshow Award BEST FILM), Osian’s-Cinefan Film Festival India 2009, Adelaide Shorts Film Festival Australia 2009, Australian Cinematographers‘ Society Australia 2009 (Gold Award), Kodak-Award NEW DIRECTOR OF THE YEAR Australia 2009 (Nominee), Stockholm International Film Festival – Official Shorts Competition Sweden 2009, Singapore International Film Festival Singapore 2010, Tiburon International Film Festival USA 2010, St Kilda Film Festival Australia 2010, Durango Film Festival USA 2010
