A Tropical Sunday

Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Thursday, June 19, 19:00 and Saturday, June 21, 21:00 (Monopol-Kino)


Country of Origin: Mozambique, Italy
Year of Production: 2013
Duration: 14′
Category: Fiction
Language: Portuguese with English subtitles

Director: Fabián Ribezzo
Screenplay: Fabián Ribezzo
Cinematographer: Pipas Forjaz
Editor: Fabián Ribezzo, Dario Zanasti
Music: Roland Pickl
Producer: Fabian Ribezzo (Azabache Films), Silvia Bottone
Cast: Odette Chissano, Fabião Machava, Zé Zimila, Batista Goca

Synopsis: Maputo, Mozambique. Lisa, Babu, Gito and Nuno live on the streets. On Sunday they spend the time at a funfair, looking for a chance to jump on a ride.
Inhalt: Maputo, Mosambik. Lisa, Babu, Gito und Nuno leben auf der Straße. Am Sonntag gehen sie auf einen Jahrmarkt und suchen nach einer Gelegenheit, eine Fahrt zu ergattern.

Festivals: Kuki International Film Festival for Children and Youth (Germany, 2013), Festival du Court Métrage de Clermont-Ferrand (France, 2014), International Film Festival Rotterdam (Netherlands, 2014), Children’s Film Festival Seattle (USA, 2014), Bif&st Bari International Film Festival (Italy, 2014), Filmfest DC Washington (USA, 2014), Redcat International Children’s Film Festival (USA, 2014), Aspen Shortsfest (USA, 2014)
Awards: Best Drama Award at Aspen Shortsfest


Love. Love. Love.

German Premiere

Screenings: Thursday, June 19, 19:00 and Saturday, June 21, 21:00 (Monopol-Kino)


Country of Origin: Russia, India
Year of Production: 2013
Duration: 11′
Category: Documentary
Language: Russian with English subtitles

Director: Sandhya Daisy Sundaram
Screenplay: Sandhya Daisy Sundaram
Cinematographer: Alexey Filippov
Editor: Sandhya Daisy Sundaram
Producer: Tanya Petrik, Guillaume Protsenko

Synopsis: Every year, through the endless winters, her love takes new shapes and forms.
Inhalt: Jedes Jahr, den ganzen endlosen Winter hindurch, nimmt ihre Liebe neue Formen und Ausdrücke an.

Festivals: Palm Springs International ShortFest (USA, 2014), Sydney Film Festival (Australia, 2014), Big Sur International Short Film Festival (USA, 2014), Short Shorts Film Festival and Asia (Japan, 2014), Seattle International Film Fest (USA, 2014), International Eskisehir Film Festival (Turkey, 2014), Sundance London Film and Music Festival (UK, 2014), Darklight Film Festival (Ireland, 2014), Dvijenie Film Festival (Russia, 2014), Nashville Film Festival (USA, 2014), Indian Film Festival of Los Angeles (USA, 2014), IAWRT Film Festival (India, 2014), Angkor Wat International Film Festival (Cambodia, 2014), Sundance Film Festival (USA, 2014), Kanyakumari International Film Festival (India, 2013), Hangzhou Asian Film Festival (China, 2013), Vilnius Film Shorts (Lithuania, 2013), Baghdad International Film Festival (Iraq, 2013), One Voice International Film Festival (UK, 2013), Huesca International Film Festival (Spain, 2014)
Awards: Special Jury Award for Non-Fiction at Sundance Film Festival (2014), Best Short Film at Dvijenie Film Festival, Jury Honorable Mention at Indian Film Festival of Los Angeles (2014), Honorable Mention for Best Documentary Short Film at Nashville Film Festival (2014), Best Documentary at One Voice International Film Festival (2013)


My Guide

German Premiere


Screenings: Thursday, June 19, 19:00 and Saturday, June 21, 21:00 (Monopol-Kino)


Country of Origin: Hungary
Year of Production: 2013
Duration: 12′
Category: Fiction
Language: Hungarian with English subtitles

Director: Barnabás Tóth
Screenplay: Barnabás Tóth
Cinematographer: Gábor Marosi
Editor: Barnabás Tóth
Music: László Pirisi
Producer: Lajos Tóth, Andrea Kuczkó
Cast: Judit Pogány, Zsolt Kovács

Synopsis: An elderly couple in the traffic. The wife chats, warns, controls. She is a policeman, a GPS and a commentator, all at once. The husband growls or strikes out. This is how their world works. But life is a constant replanning…
Inhalt: Ein älteres Ehepaar im Verkehr. Die Frau plaudert, warnt und kontrolliert. Sie ist gleichzeitig Polizistin, GPS und Kommentatorin. Der Mann brummt oder streikt. So funktioniert ihre Welt. Das Leben ändert aber ständig die Richtung…

Festivals: Asiana International Short Film Festival (South Korea), Heartland Film Festival (USA), Montreal World Film Festival (Canada), Encounters Festival (UK), Cleverland International Film Festival (USA), Leeds International Film Festival (UK)
Awards: Public Jury Award at Asiana International Short Film Festival, Best U.S. Premiere at Heartland Film Festival



Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Thursday, June 19, 19:00 and Saturday, June 21, 21:00 (Monopol-Kino)


Country of Origin: Netherlands
Year of Production: 2013
Duration: 8′
Category: Fiction
Language: No dialogue

Director: Ben Brand
Screenplay: Thomas van der Ree
Cinematographer: Max Maloney
Editor: Wietse de Zwart
Music: Christiaan Verbeek
Producer: Rogier Dorant
Cast: Groen Casting, Susanne Groen

Synopsis: TSJAKKE-TSJAKKE-DING-DING-WHOOP! 97% match! Via an app on his phone Bert gets a notice that the girl of his dreams is nearby. Now he only has to find her before the subway train reaches the end of the line.
Inhalt: TSJAKKE-TSJAKKE-DING-DING-WHOOP! 97% Übereinstimmung! Via App bekommt Bert eine Nachricht, dass das Mädchen seiner Träume ganz in der Nähe ist. Jetzt muss er sie nur noch finden, bevor die U-Bahn an der Endstation ankommt.

Festivals: Dutch Filmfestival (Netherlands, 2013), Asiana Filmfestival (South Korea, 2013), interfilm Berlin (Germany, 2013), Shortcutz Filmfestival (Netherlands, 2013), Shorts Attack (Germany, 2013), Cinerail Festival (France, 2013), Suikerzoet Filmfestival (Netherlands, 2013), GoShort (Netherlands, 2014), Lanzarote Film Festival (Spain, 2014), Festival du Cinéma Européen de Lille (France, 2014), Kurzfilmnacht-Tour (Switzerland, 2014), Aspen Shortsfest (USA, 2014), cellu l’art (Germany, 2014), Salento International Film Festival (Italy, 2014), Salento Finibus Terrae Festival (Italy, 2014), Cinesogni – Circolo del cinema „Sogni“ (Italy, 2014)
Awards: Winner of the Month at Shortcutz Filmfestival, Audience Award at Cinerail Festival, Audience Award at cellu l’art

Weblink: vimeo.com/143233550


European Premiere

Screenings: Thursday, June 19, 19:00 and Saturday, June 21, 21:00 (Monopol-Kino)


Country of Origin: Indonesia
Year of Production: 2013
Duration: 15′
Category: Fiction
Language: Indonesian with English subtitles

Director: Edward Gunawan
Screenplay: Edward Gunawan
Cinematographer: Paul Kadarisman
Editor: Edward Gunawan
Producer: Suryani Liauw
Cast: Cut Mini, Surya Saputra, Fatih Unru

Synopsis: A single mother who works as a door-to-door encyclopedia seller must learn to adapt or face extinction in the advent of computers and the Internet.
Inhalt: Eine alleinerziehende Mutter, die von Haus zu Haus zieht und Enzyklopädien verkauft, versucht zu lernen sich dem Aussterben dieser – durch den Einfluss von Computern und Internet – anzupassen oder zu stellen.

Festivals: Europe on Screen Film Festival (Indonesia, 2013), Piala Maya (Indonesia, 2013), Indonesian Film Festival (Indonesia, 2013), XXI Short Film Festival (Indonesia, 2013), Pendek Jabodetabeka Film Festival (Indonesia, 2013), LOCFEST: Local Culture Film Festival (Indonesia, 2013), International Festival of Films for Children and Young Adults (Iran, 2013), Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival (USA, 2013), Solo Film Festival (Indonesia, 2013), KidsFfest – International Film Festival for Children and Young People (Indonesia, 2013), Pesta Film Indonesia (Indonesia, 2013)
Awards: Best Short Film at Europe on Screen Film Festival, Best Short Film at Piala Maya


The Date (Treffit)

Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Thursday, June 20, 19:00 and Saturday, June 22, 21:00 (Monopol-Kino)


Country of Origin / Land: Finland
Year of Production / Jahr: 2012
Duration / Länge: 8′
Category / Kategorie: Fiction
Language / Sprache: Finnish with English subtitles

Director / Regie: Jenni Toivoniemi
Screenplay / Drehbuch:Jenni Toivoniemi
Cinematographer / Kamera:Jarmo Kiuru
Music / Musik:Tuomas Klaavo
Producer / Produktion:Lotta-Kaisa Riistakoski / ELO Film School Helsinki and Elli Toivoniemi / Tuffi Films
Cast / Darsteller: Oskari Joutsen, Päivi Mäkinen ja Anna Paavilainen
Editor / Schnitt:Tuuli Alanärä
Synopsis: Tino’s (16) manhood is put to test in front of two women, Mirka (25) and Lissu (54) when he has to host a date for Diablo, family’s stud cat.
Inhalt: Tino’s Männlichkeit stellt sich unter Beweis, als er zwei unterschiedlichen Frauen gegenübertritt, die an seinem Zuchtkater Diablo interessiert sind.

Festivals: Nordisk Panorama, Göteborg International Film Festival, Sundance Film Festival and Sundance London, Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival, Berlinale, Minimalen, Tampere Film Festival, Helsinki Short Film Festival, Aspen Shortsfest
Awards: Winner of the Short Film Jury Award, Sundance Film Festival, 2013, Special mention at Berlinale Generation, Best nordic fiction at Minimalen


Dug-Goo TV

International Premiere

Screenings: Thursday, June 20, 19:00 and Saturday, June 22, 21:00 (Monopol-Kino)


Country of Origin / Land: South Korea
Year of Production / Jahr: 2011
Duration / Länge: 20′
Category / Kategorie: Fiction
Language / Sprache: Korean with English subtitles

Director / Regie: Min-Hee SHIN
Screenplay / Drehbuch: Min-Hee SHIN
Music / Musik: Ha-Na NA
Editor / Schnitt: Min-Hee SHIN
Producer / Produktion: Part of support from SHINYOUNGKYUN ART&CULTURE foundation.
Cast / Darsteller: Tae-ill HAN Yoon-hwa NO Jong-Min BAEK

Synopsis: The elderly couple Dug-Goo and Goog-Ja’s pleasure in life comes solely from watching a drama called Blazing Pure Love. However, the couple’s life is turned around when their television breaks down. Unable to watch her favorite drama, Goog-Ja distresses herhusband Dug-Goo with persistent nagging. Then, one day, they encounter a new kind of a television device. Could Goog-Ja once again watch her beloved Blazing Pure Love?
Inhalt: Das größte tägliche Vergnügen des betagten Pärchens Dug-Goo und Dug-Ja ist die TV-Serie Blazing Pure Love. Als jedoch der Fernseher kaputt geht und sie mit einem ganz neuartigen Apparat in Berührung kommen, krempelt sich beider Leben ein bisschen um: Wird Dug-Ja ihre geliebte Serie wohl wieder anschauen können?

Festivals: Busan International film festival, 2012, The 5th Seoul Senior Film Festival, 2012, The 6th Gyeongnam Independent Film Festival, 2012

Fear of Flying

German Premiere

Screenings: Thursday, June 20, 19:00 and Saturday, June 22, 21:00 (Monopol-Kino)


Country of Origin / Land: Ireland
Year of Production / Jahr: 2012
Duration / Länge: 9′
Category / Kategorie: Animation
Language / Sprache: English without subtitles

Director / Regie: Conor Finnegan
Screenplay / Drehbuch: Conor Finnegan
Cinematographer / Kamera: Ivan McCullough
Music / Musik: Echolab
Producer / Produktion: Brunella Cocchiglia
Cast / Darsteller: Mark Doherty, Aoife Duffin, Steven Courtney
Editor / Schnitt: Conor Finnegan

Synopsis: A small bird with a fear of flying tries to avoid heading South for the winter.
Inhalt: Ein kleiner Vogel mit Flugangst versucht, die jährliche, obligatorische Luftreise in den warmen Süden zu vermeiden.

Festivals: LA Shorts Festival, Cinanima Animated Film Festival, Portugal, Foyle Film Festival, Flickerfest, Australia, Glasgow Short Film Festival, ANIMA, 2013, Brussels Animation Film Festival, Belgium, Pictoplasma, Berlin, TRIBECA Film Festival
Awards: Best animation, James Horgan Award at the Galway Film Fleadh, 2012, Best animation at LA SHORTS Fest, 2012, International audience award at Glasgow Short Film Festival, 2013, Audience award 1st Place at Chicago Irish Film Festival, 2013, Audience award for Best Short Film at ANIMA Brussels Animation Film Festival, Best animated short film at Omaha Film Festival


Girl of Wall

German Premiere

Screenings: Thursday, June 20, 19:00 and Saturday, June 22, 21:00 (Monopol-Kino)


Country of Origin / Land: Japan
Year of Production / Jahr: 2011
Duration / Länge: 16′
Category / Kategorie: Fiction
Language / Sprache: Japanese with English subtitles

Director / Regie: Yuji Harada
Screenplay / Drehbuch: Yuji Harada
Cinematographer / Kamera: Yuji Harada, Daishi Kato
Music / Musik: Ayumi Nigo
Editor / Schnitt: Yuji Harada
Producer / Produktion: Yuji Harada
Cast / Darsteller: Ayumi Nigo Ryoko Asakura Masataka Bando Koichi Ito Go Katori

Synopsis: Hitomi Yoda, age 26, single, lives in a rubbish-filled room, is scolded by her boss, and lives an indescribably dull life. Her hobby is to embrace walls and she starts a blog. She also fancies the delivery man that regularly comes to her workplace.
Inhalt: Die 26jährige Hitomi Yoda lebt ein unbeschreiblich trübes Leben: sie wohnt in einem Raum voller Müll und wird von ihrem Chef beschimpft. An ihrem Arbeitsplatz liebäugelt sie Tag für Tag mit dem Lieferanten und beginnt mit ihrem Hobby, Mauern zu umarmen, ein Blog.

Festivals: Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival, 2013
Awards: Special Jury Prize at the Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival, 2013
