Films by Country

Australia / Australien
Smoke and Mirrors (Rauch und Spiegel)

Belgium / Belgien
This Is Ronald (Dit Is Ronald)

Brazil /Brasilien
One, Two, Three, Volcano! (Um, dois, três, vulcão!)

Canada / Kanada
First Snow (Première neige)
Little Miss Jihad

China / China
The City of Gao Feng (La ciudad de Gao Feng)

Finland / Finnland
The Date (Treffit)
When One Stops (Hänen tilanne)

France / Frankreich
And Death Will Be Alright
Feral Painter
Short of Breath (Le souffle court)
Loneliness (Solitudes)

Germany / Deutschland
At Home (Zu Hause)
Coming Home (Heimkommen)
The Centrifuge Brain Project
The Princess, the Prince an the Green-eyed Dragon (Die Prinzessin, der Prinz und der Drache mit den grünen Augen)
The Safest Nuclear Power Plant Worldwide (Erntefaktor Null)

Hungary / Ungarn
Rabbit and Deer

Iceland / Island

Iran / Iran
After the Class (Baed Az Class)
More Than Two Hours (Bishtar az do saat)

Ireland / Irland
Fear of Flying

Israel / Israel
Mouth Wide Open, Ears Shut Tight (Bepe Paur Ve’oznaim Atzumot)
Welcome and…Our Condolences

Italy / Italien
Secrets (Segreti)
The Dance of the Little Spider (La danza del piccolo ragno)

Japan / Japan
Girl of Wall

Norway / Norwegen
But Milk Is Important

Romania / Rumänien
Loneliness (Solitudes)

South Korea / Südkorea
Dug – Goo TV

Spain / Spanien
Mystery (Misterio)
The City of Gao Feng (La ciudad de Gao Feng)
Wake the Flies (Despierta a las moscas)

Turkey / Türkei
Later (Sonra)

UK / Großbritannien
Corner Shop
Hiding Place

The Earthquake
Short of Breath (Le souffle court)