The Snail on the Slope

Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Saturday, June 19, 19:00 and Tuesday, June 22, 21:00 (UMAMI)


Country of Origin / Land: Singapore / Singapur
Year of Production / Jahr: 2009
Duration / Länge: 7’40“
Category / Kategorie: Animation

Director / Regie: Vladimir Todorovic
Screenplay / Drehbuch: Vladimir Todorovic
Cinematographer / Kamera: Vladimir Todorovic
Editor / Schnitt: Vladimir Todorovic
Producer / Produktion: Vladimir Todorovic

Synopsis: The Snail on the Slope is a generative movie based on a book of the same title by Strugatsky brothers. The novel is set on an unknown planet, where humans have a base from which they are investigating and trying to conquer the Forest. The Forest, which is a huge single organism is constantly changing and fighting back. It is also dangerous and there are a lot of unexplained phenomena that they are discovering, frequently.
Inhalt: The Snail On The Slope basiert auf dem gleichnamigen Buch der Strugatsky Brüder. Die Geschichte spielt auf einem unbekannten Planeten, auf dem Menschen von ihrer Basis aus den Wald erforschen und erobern wollen. Der Wald, der ein einziger grosser Organismus ist, verändert ständig seine Form und kämpft zurück. Bei diesem gefährlichen Unterfangen treten zusätzlich ein Menge unerklärbarer Phänomene auf.

Festivals & Awards: Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin/Madrid 2009, 22. Filmfest Dresden International Short Film Festival Germany 2010, Melbourne International Animation Festival Australia 2010, MediaWave International Film and Music Festival Hungary 2010, Moves10: Framing Motion UK 2010, 39th International Film Festival Rotterdam Netherlands 2010, Clermont-Ferrand Videoformes France 2010, 25th International Video and Digital Culture Festival Croatia 2010 (Prix de la Creation Video Nominee)
